6 Amazon Finds to Change Your College Game

Amazon Prime is a true gift for the average college student. With the click of a button, you have access to pretty much anything you could ever need or want. We all know that the Elon mailroom line is way too long, but it’s about to get a whole lot longer as we all go to order these life-saving products. Here are our top picks for game-changing Amazon products!

This article is #notsponsered. We wish. We’re just people with too much time and an Amazon shopping addiction.

Space-Saving Hangers

Starting out with the best: THESE!! With way too many clothes and minimal storage space, these have been our holy grail. These hangers let you hang five items on one hanger just a few inches below one another, meaning you can fit 80% more clothing in your closet with these ($13)!

Portable Mini Steamer

Do you really want to drag an entire ironing board and iron to college? Do you want wrinkled clothes? No and no. A mini steamer is perfect for quick clothing touch-ups. We can assure you that this will quickly become a communal tool with your roommates because of how easy it is to use ($26).

Sunset Lamp

We all love the vibes that LED lights give us, especially for pictures. But, Elon res life doesn’t vibe with them quite as much as we do. They pull paint off the walls during removal and aren’t allowed in the dorms. If you’re craving cool lighting and following the rules, the sunset lamp is a cute way to get the same LED light effect for your pictures ($25).

Bedside Shelf

This detachable nightstand is perfect for dorms with lofted beds. Simply screw it onto the side of your bed, and you have a place to put your water, phone, snacks or whatever you need within arms reach ($43).

Disposable Shower Hair Catchers

Dorm showers can be nasty. With multiple people sharing one shower, the shedding that gets wrapped up in the drain can be disgusting. These disposable hair catchers can easily be placed in your dorm shower and be used for up to three weeks. No more clogged drains ($11)!

No-Sew Buttons

Ever had a pair of jeans that are too big? We’ve all seen that life hack where you loop your pants button through the belt loop to make your pants smaller that usually looks super awkward and sometimes doesn’t even work. These instant buttons are like a pin. You push it through a spot on your jeans, add the backing, and boom- new button to make your jeans fit ($6).

These are by no means the only amazing Amazon products, but they are some of our absolute must-haves. Remember kids, it’s not about what you can do for Bezos, but what Bezos can do for you. If you buy any of these products, be sure to tag @theedgemag on Instagram to be featured!

Beauty & WellnessRiley Otis