Your Guide to Sweat-Sets

Winter’s coming up, cold weather is upon us, and its getting increasingly more difficult to put a cute outfit together every single day. But don’t worry, we have a perfect fix for that problem! Sweat sets really gained their popularity in quarantine, when there wasn’t any reason to put on a pair of pants everyday. It seemed like every company was coming out with matching sweatshirts and sweatpants, and some brands really benefited from this craze. Although we’re not in quarantine anymore, everyone can still appreciate comfort, especially when being comfortable is so cute! Sweat sets are the perfect way to feel *put together* when you’re really not put together at all. Here’s your guide to the best sweat sets this season. 


Madhappy is most easily recognizable for their slogan “local optimist.” Their clothes are colorful and usually promote kindness or happiness (and who wouldn’t want to rep that?!). They also sell a lot more than just sweatshirts and sweatpants; they sell hats, tanks and a lot of other accessories as well. Unfortunately, Madhappy doesn’t sell its sweats in a set, but you can easily pair them together to make a cute and comfy fit. 

Boys Lie

If you’ve never heard of Boys Lie before, where have you been?? You’ve definitely seen classmates sporting their angel logo around campus or even celebs in the news repping Boys Lie sweat sets. The company has gained a lot of popularity through social media and they really resonate with the Gen Z generation. As you could guess by their name, their pieces all revolve around the idea of being a heartbreaker, their mission is “to inspire confidence.”

The Mayfair Group

If you’ve recognized the word “empathy” on a sweat set lately, chances are it's from The Mayfair Group . The CEO of The Mayfair Group struggled with mental health before starting the company in 2017, which is why they aim to spread “feel-good content” and “purposeful merch.”


We all know and love Scott Disick, and maybe we should be giving him some extra love right now after the recent engagement of Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker, so it’s the perfect time to support Scott’s brand, Talentless. Talentless is best known for its loungewear, and has some really great pieces with great messages as well. One really popular sweatshirt over quarantine was the “Please Wash Your Hands' ' hoodie.

If you check these companies out, you’re sure to find something you love! And while they might seem a bit pricey, we know these pieces all last a long time, even when you wear them almost everyday like we do!

FashionAvery Delacey