Beauty Sleep

Saying you need proper “beauty sleep” is a phrase commonly tossed around, but is there any truth to it? The visible effects on your face after a night of insufficient rest—puffy or dark undereyes, swollen eyelids, and uneven, dull-looking skin—hint at the importance of quality sleep on looking presentable on a given morning, but science says there are more long-term effects at play here—especially for your skin.


When it comes to antiaging, skin protection, and preventing breakouts, skincare seems to dominate the conversation much more than the promotion of getting enough rest. And while a good skincare routine has many benefits and shouldn’t be abandoned, it’s important to recognize the strong relationship between healthy skin and good sleep.


Think of sleep as the body’s time to repair and heal itself, and this includes your skin as well. Less sleep means less time for your skin to rejuvenate. During those precious hours of slumber, your skin is doing a lot, including repairing damage from your daily UV exposure. Consequently, a lack of sleep hinders the skin’s ability to recover properly, which can lead to the appearance of more wrinkles and fine lines later down the road. It may not be a very visible issue now, but your future self will thank you for sleeping those few extra hours. 


While you’re resting, your skin experiences heightened blood flow, which not only results in a more even skin tone but causes the skin to rebuild its collagen—the main structural protein found in your skin that improves skin moisture, elasticity, and hydration (as well as reduces wrinkles). Even more, poor sleep quality goes hand in hand with elevated stress levels, triggering hormonal imbalances that can lead to unwanted and pesky breakouts

Proper sleep enhances not just our skin’s health, but our perception of our appearance, often increasing our self-image. Few awaken feeling utterly exhausted and still look in the mirror to marvel at their skin’s radiance. Sleep is often essential if you want to feel confident in your skin, and there is nothing more attractive than a healthy, happy you! With finals week quickly approaching, many college students are likely to face a night or two of little to no rest, cramming for a test or finishing up a paper. While the occasional all-nighter may be necessary, it’s important to not make sleep deprivation a normalized habit. Sleep plays a vital role in our skin’s health and appearance, so next time you are tempted by one more Netflix episode, consider the impact on your skin’s longevity and your overall health.

Got any good sleep habits to share? We’d love to know. Tag us @theedgemag on instagram <3