Sunday Reset

As a college student amid her second to last year of "freedom," it often feels like I am living the same day repeatedly. I wake up, work out, eat, go to class, come home and sleep. In the morning, rinse and repeat. As these redundant weeks come and go, the only thing holding me together is my Sunday Reset Ritual. 

The term "Sunday Reset" is a standard part of our culture and lives nowadays. It signifies a new beginning and a fresh start for the week ahead. More often than not, I feel like I need to find a new headspace to live in at the end of the week. Whether I am burnt out from schoolwork, missing the relaxation of home or the Sunday scaries are downright despicable, a Sunday Reset will always put me back on my feet. 

However, this reset involves more than cleaning the house and completing my work. Sunday is an entire day in which I devote all my time and energy to myself and what will make me feel best. Be aware, though: Although the phrase infers that the reset starts on a Sunday, it is wildly misleading. 

The proper Sunday Reset has to begin on a Saturday or even a Friday if you have loads of labor to do (which is almost always). By completing a large portion of your work on a Friday or Saturday, whether schoolwork, laundry or grocery shopping, you open up a lot of time that would have otherwise been occupied on Sunday. 

Okay. You've completed many of your tasks on Friday or Saturday; finally, Sunday is here. You may not like it, but this is not the day to sleep in. Wake up reasonably; 7-9 am works well for me. I like to start my day by moving my body, as it makes me feel productive, and, like I said, we want this Sunday to be productive. I usually do a light walk at the gym while I watch my favorite show on Netflix (this is a great gym hack for getting in steps without the boredom of being in the gym for an hour). 

I do two things post-gym on a Sunday if I still need to do them on Friday or Saturday — Grab groceries and do laundry. Completing these tasks around 10 in the morning will beat the rush. You'll make it home from shopping sooner and still be in your dirty clothes from the gym. This is perfect because you can now clean your laundry and the rest of your room without worrying about your clothing getting dirty in the process. During a Sunday Reset, I like to kill many birds with as few stones as possible. 

If you have done this correctly, you should finish cleaning and organizing around noon. Now, take an "everything shower" and do some work if you have any left. If you don't, treat yourself to a target run or a mani-pedi — I mean, you have the time now. 

5 pm has finally rolled around. You have had a day of moving your body, cleaning and prepping for the week ahead. Now, it's time to relax. Change into your coziest set of sweats, light a capri blue candle, spray your space with lavender — do what you must do to wind down. I like to catch up with friends from home on Facetime or start the book I've meant to get to. Make a quick dinner around 6:30 and you're ready to sleep by 8. 

I understand this lifestyle is only for some. Some prefer to wait until 5 pm on a Sunday to even look at their homework or start their wash. Getting ahead of the game can help clear your mind and provide a full reset for the week. I feel like I've fallen behind when I don't have these resets. So, if you are inclined, try this out next Sunday (Friday, technically) and see how you feel!

FeaturesMadelyn Slattery