Good Uncle: Homemade Food Away from Home

If you’re sick of your classic ramen and Chick-fil-A diet, we’re here to tell you about a new, healthy and revolutionary alternative: Good Uncle. Unlike DoorDash and GrubHub, Good Uncle is a food delivery service that makes its own food rather than picking up from other restaurant locations. 

These meals have a variety of flavors and come in various sizes, with the option to order dips, salads, snacks, full meals and more. Is the food good, you might ask? Well, Good Uncle’s head chef was on Iron Chef a few years back…. So, we’ll just leave that there. 

According to Calista Connors, Elon’s Campus Revenue Lead for Good Uncle, ordering from the platform is quite simple. 

“You can get Good Uncle by downloading the app from the app store and signing up. Once downloaded and signed in, you can order starting at 5 p.m., seven days a week. The average cost of a meal is around $10, and the average delivery time is around 25 minutes. The way they do this is picking a few of the most popular spots on campus to deliver the food—such as Danieley Lot, East Haggard, Belk Library and near West End— and go to them kinda like a bus route.”

Along with their clever delivery and food strategy, the brand has also been able to expand throughout the Elon community due to its engaging marketing strategy. Unlike DoorDash and GrubHub, Good Uncle and Connors utilize members within the university to spread awareness of the platform. 

“One of the ways we spread the word about Good Uncle is by finding influencers on campus with larger social media followings and offer credits in turn for Instagram posts,” said Connors. “I also connect with apartment complexes, popular social media accounts such as Barstool and Spoon University and student organizations to make specialized campaigns that are mutually beneficial. For instance, we recently had a competition where every Greek organization had their own unique Good Uncle invite code, and whoever had the most sign-ups at the end of last semester won $500 for their philanthropy.” 

In addition to their personalized marketing plan, the brand has seen a significant impact on their consumers due to COVID-19. Rather than going to restaurants, students are looking for quality food through safer means, which has proven beneficial for the company. 

“With COVID-19 restricting going out to eat, food delivery has been on the rise, but that also has made delivery fees skyrocket. Good Uncle is affordable, fast and allows students to stay on campus without having to pay absurd delivery fees. Not to mention, the food is delicious.” 

If you’re interested in ordering from Good Uncle, download the app and follow Good Uncle on Instagram for updates! 

Use our code EDGE00 when you sign up for Good Uncle to get a free meal!