I Tried the Gratitude Journal for 30 days … Here’s How It Went

One of my best friends got me the TikTok famous Gratitude Journal from Amazon. At first, I was slightly apprehensive, but after reading the first few pages I decided to fully commit to this journal for 30 days and see how it went. 

The journal has you write in it every morning and night. The first few moments upon waking up have the power to set the tone of our entire day. Instead of scrolling through social media, taking just two minutes to write down three things I’m grateful for, what would make today great, and daily affirmations will set a positive tone. In the evenings, to unwind and reflect on your day, The Gratitude Journal prompts you to write down three acts of kindness and how could I have made today better. 

The reasons for all of these prompts are in the journal if you are interested — I most enjoyed reading about how I could have made today better. The journal says that writing down how you could have made your day better, is a way to commit to self-improvement.

Within the first week, I found it easy to remain consistent in writing in the journal every morning and evening because I knew it would only take a few minutes. In the mornings I loved reminding myself to take a moment to be grateful for the little things in my life (like how comfy my bed is and the morning sun) or bigger things too (like family and education). Then I’d set some goals for the like (like being active and being present in the moment). 

Starting every morning by writing down three things I am grateful for, and what would make today great, and positive affirmations set a positive tone for the rest of my day. The longer I used the journal, the more the prompts started to stick with me throughout the day. I have started searching for other small things to be grateful for and remember to acknowledge them.

Before bed, I’d sometimes find my mind swirling with thoughts from the day and I felt like my brain was in overdrive. This journal gave me a moment to sit down and reflect on my day, providing me with a sense of calm. I would take a moment to ask myself what did I do today? And then continue to reflect from there on.

It’s also been nice to write in this journal as the last thing I do before bed, in place of being on my phone or computer. I’ve found myself reaching for the book I keep on my nightstand once I close the journal, or continue to write in (There are also a few blank pages at the very of The Gratitude Journal as well).

As time went on I found myself thinking about what I would write in the prompts that evening, framing my mindset to think about how I can make today better and what my acts of kindness could be. At the end of the 30 days, I noticed a positive shift in my mindset and perspective. Gratitude truly is the key to happiness and this journal is a great way to feel more of it. 

Now, I’m not perfect. After the 30 days went by I still try to use it every day but sometimes I forget in the mornings or evenings this journal has been relatively consistent over the past few months in my morning and evening routines. I’ve seen positive changes in feeling energetic and hopeful in the mornings and relaxed, calm, and ready for tomorrow in the evenings. 

I would strongly recommend everyone to buy this journal if they are interested, but if the journal isn’t something you think you would be into, we can all practice a little more gratitude in our daily lives. Notice and be thankful for the smaller things in your life, instead of taking them for granted — try giving gratitude. 

We would love to hear your thoughts if you’ve tried The Gratitude Journal or The 5-minute Journal, start the conversation on our socials @TheEdgeMagazine