A Deep Dive into The 75 Hard

What Is It?

The 75 Hard is widely known in the fitness community for its difficulty and controversial style. It’s an intense fitness challenge developed by the CEO of 1st Phorm Supplement Company, Andy Frisella. Created as a “mental toughness program,” this challenge has reached a wide audience over its time in the limelight. Since its TikTok debut in 2020, the 75 Hard has gone through countless waves of popularity. It seems to resurface every few months, then fall back off the radar in no time.

Rules, Rules, Rules

Ready to try it out?  Let’s lay out the ground rules.

  1. Follow a nutrition plan of your choice (Keto, low-carb, vegan — the list goes on)

  2. No alcohol, no “cheat meals”

  3. Complete two 45-minute workouts (at least one of them must be outdoors)

  4. Drink a gallon of water

  5. Read 10 pages of a self-help book

  6. Take a progress pic

  7. Repeat for 75 days. Straight.

…wow. It’s definitely not the 75 Easy. 

Potential Dangers

Just like any fitness program, the 75 Hard comes with its own set of dangers that cannot be ignored. And with its heavy presence on social media, public pushback is inevitable for this intense challenge.

Over-exercising is a very real danger of attempting the 75 Hard. Overworking your body each day can cause more harm than good. But it’s very possible to push ourselves without overdoing it! Instead of tackling two sessions of weightlifting or intense cardio, add in some slow-paced walks and bike rides. Also, be sure to choose a nutrition plan that’ll keep you properly fueled throughout the day. 

The bottom line is to listen to your body, especially when trying to push the limits of fitness.

Let’s Discuss The 75 Soft

The 75 Hard has plenty of variations, as participants bend the rules to fit their own goals and lifestyles. Busy students rarely have time for two separate workouts each day. A gallon of water might be too much for some. No alcohol might be a dealbreaker for others. There’s no one-size-fits-all, that’s for sure. But that doesn't mean you have to be left out. Here’s where the 75 Soft comes in. 

The 75 Soft is just what it sounds like — a modified version of the 75 Hard. Rewrite the rules so that they make sense for you and your goals. Prioritize what matters to you, whether it’s the nutrition aspect or the reading goal. Bending the rules doesn’t mean the challenge isn’t difficult anymore — it’s just more doable!  After all, fitness is an individual journey. Being realistic yields a higher success rate for follow-through. As long as you're being safe and kind to yourself along the way, you really can’t go wrong.

What do you think about this fitness fad? Let us know on Instagram @theedgemag!