Exploring Alternatives: Social Activities for College Students

College life is often associated with bustling parties and late-night revelry, but while parties may reign supreme in the realm of socializing, Elon University students are discovering that fun comes in all shapes and sizes. From club involvements to quirky campus gatherings, the pursuit of unique experiences is gaining popularity and redefining the college social scene, offering students a refreshing break from the typical party scene. Join us at Edge Magazine as we delve into the world of alternative fun at Elon and uncover the diverse array of activities that students are embracing with enthusiasm and creativity.

Finding Fulfillment Beyond Parties

One of the many heights of college experiences is campus involvement. They weave personal and professional growth that fosters enduring connections and skills that go beyond campus. Unlike moments at college parties that some might not remember due to the large number of people present, these engagements provide lasting fulfillment that empowers students and others to contribute meaningfully to their communities and cultivates a diverse skill set for the future. When asking two juniors about their involvements, upperclassmen Victory Moore and Ja'Mya McKoy shed light on the importance of participating in extracurricular activities. Victory, who is engaged in MMA, LEAF, American Studies Club and the STEM LLC, emphasizes the value of long-term connections and tailored interests. Similarly, Ja'Mya's involvement in clubs like the Cooking Club and Anime Club highlights the significance of maintaining relationships and gaining experiential knowledge for future endeavors.

Outdoor Adventures Await

For those craving a taste of adventure, Elon's Outdoors Adventure Program provides an exhilarating escape into nature. Whether it's hiking through lush forests, kayaking along tranquil rivers or embarking on camping trips under the stars, there’s no shortage of outdoor excitement to be had. One of Elon’s Campus Recreation & Wellness Programs is Elon Challenge, a team development program that utilizes the principles and pedagogies of experiential education to foster spaces for authenticity, creativity, innovation and community building. It’s a great way for participants to overcome obstacles, push their boundaries and experience success in a variety of problem-solving initiatives. “I participated in Adventures In Leadership (AIL) during the summer before my freshmen year and decided right then and there that I was going to be a part of Elon Challenge,” says first-year student, Amelia Brinson. “It's not only a fun way to explore the natural beauty of North Carolina, but it’s also a chance to bond with fellow outdoor enthusiasts.”

Unearthing Unusual Gems

First-year students like Rosie Fyffe and Madeline Zarrett offer fresh perspectives on unconventional social gatherings. Rosie's intrigue with the Milk Club, reminiscent of UCF's Lettuce Club, speaks volumes about finding niche interests on campus. Additionally, Madeline’s discovery of the carnival with a mechanical bull and other unconventional events showcases the diversity of social activities available to first-year students.

Faculty Wisdom: Prioritizing Meaningful Connections

While faculty members may not be present on the social scene, they’re taking notice and getting in on the unconventional fun at Elon. Dr. Tedd Wimperis, Assistant Professor of Classical Languages, and Dr. Julie Lellis, a professor of Strategic Communications, weigh in on the importance of diverse social activities for students. Dr. Wimperis emphasizes the need for personalized social interactions, noting that parties may not suit everyone's preferences. “A big part of it is that students have different personalities and want to engage with other people in different ways,” says Professor Wimperis. “I was never into the party scene because it was too loud and too crowded to meet new people. Going to the mall or little road trips on Saturdays were much more meaningful to me.” 

Dr. Lellis echoes this sentiment, highlighting the significance of forming deep connections and sharing meaningful experiences beyond the party scene. “I believe students need deep and meaningful connections with other humans. College is a time to practice this. Given the tendency to interact socially through devices and screens, I would encourage any young adult to prioritize learning how to connect one-on-one or with smaller groups of friends. Get out in nature together. Try a new hobby. Visit a new city. Discuss your hopes and creams.” She adds to this statement by saying, “Parties can be fun and some will make for good memories, but being able to form close relationships and share unique experiences is truly a life skill. Reliable social support networks and activities that are good for our mental well-being are things you will need in college and beyond.” 

As students at Elon University are constantly seeking out new and exciting ways to socialize and have fun, the possibilities for unconventional adventures are endless. Whether it's making lifelong connections through clubs and student activities, embarking on outdoor escapades or new and unusual clubs, one thing is clear — at Elon, fun knows no bounds. 

Did we miss anything you’ve recently joined, started or done instead of going out? DM us @theedgemag on Instagram and show off your social alternatives!