Home for the Holidays

With nearly a month off between final exams and J-term, this is the perfect time to catch up on life-admin tasks you’ve been putting off. Whether it's renewing your passport or cleaning out your car, we have curated a list of tasks that will improve your quality of life and leave you feeling accomplished and prepared to take on 2024. We recommend tackling a few or creating an advent calendar of tasks to help you stay busy this winter break.


-Clean out your closet. On this note, if you have a stack of clothes that you’ve been meaning to sell on Poshmark like we do, now is the perfect time. On the flip side, the D-list clothes you leave at home each semester can probably be donated. Right? Right.

-Clean out your car.

-Tackle that junk drawer.

-Organize your bathroom drawers.

-Clean out your parents’ garage, pantry, freezer, etc. While this might seem slightly invasive, they will be eternally grateful that you took the time to improve a common space in their home and threw out all the food that expired in 2012 (Bye!).

-Digitally: Clean out your camera roll, notes app, email inbox, etc. Organize your Google Drive. Add your J-term and spring semester classes to your Google Calendar. Organize your Pinterest boards. Unfollow 100 people on instagram. Life👏admin👏digital👏things👏! 


-Scrapbook your college experience.

-Update your professional outlets (LinkedIn, resume, portfolio, etc).

-DIY new room decor.

-Make a collage, moodboard, vision board, etc.

-Create new years resolutions.



-Read a new book.

-Tailor those pants!


-Cut down a Christmas tree.

-Go on a drive.

-Do a free-trial workout class at a studio near you.

-Learn how to cook a new dish.

-Perfect your skincare routine.

-Try a new restaurant/coffee spot in your area (never stop exploring).

-Make all the appointments: Is your driver's license or passport about to expire? When was the last time you got an oil change? Need to see the dentist, gynecologist or general practitioner? When was the last time you got a haircut? Now's the time to make those appointments and see your local faves.

Did we miss anything? DM us @theedgemag on Instagram showcasing your advent calendar of life-admin tasks. 

LifestyleKailey Casl