How Much Water Should We Actually be Drinking?

How much water should we really be consuming each day? We’ve heard the question asked 10 different ways and received what seems like 100 other answers. Recently, there has been tons of social media encouragement to hydrate and live a “healthy girl” lifestyle. But, what is the perfect amount of water to add to your daily routine? Can you drink too much water? How do you know when you’re not drinking enough water? Here at The Edge, we feel that finding the perfect balance between hydrated and dehydrated is a challenge, to say the least. We did some research and created a quick guide to proper hydration!

Everyone is Different

The amount of water an individual needs in a day depends on their environment and routine. Factors such as the amount of exercise, personal health, and temperature contribute to the amount of water a person needs to intake each day. According to The Mayo Clinic, men require about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day, and women need around 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day. However, based on an individual's personal needs, they may adjust the amount of water they consume each day.

Pay Attention to your Body

Stay connected to your mind and what your body is craving. The feeling of thirst is your body's way of telling you that it needs water. Another natural way to know if you are dehydrated is how frequently you are urinating and the color of your urine. If your urine is clear or light yellow, it means you are hydrated. However, a darker, brighter yellow reveals that your body needs more water.

Hydration is Self-Care

Drinking water is an essential step in taking care of yourself and your body. Here at The Edge, we know it's hard to remember to drink water as college students. However, incorporating water into your daily routine by simply carrying around a reusable water bottle can make a significant difference in your overall health!