Tips and Tricks to Build Your Booty

Whether you were born with a natural dump truck, or a cute lil bum, there is always room to grow and tone your glutes. Here are some essential tips and tricks that will get your booty poppin!

  1. EAT!

    The number one rule to growing your booty is to eat! Eating is so important when it comes to building muscle in your body, especially your butt area. Not only do you need fuel to energize your body to workout, but increasing your calorie intake is necessary in order for your butt to grow. Make sure to be eating foods that are high in protein for building muscle mass. Here are some of the best foods to eat in order to get those glute gains:

    1. Whole grains (oatmeal, brown rice, wheat bread, bulgar) 

    2. Chickpeas

    3. Seeds (flax, pumpkin, chia, quinoa)

    4. Salmon

    5. Nuts

    6. Chicken

    7. Leafy Greens (spinach, kale, arugula, Bok choy, romaine)

  2. Glute Activation

    Before you begin lifting heavy weights, it is important to warm up the muscles in your glutes by doing glute activation exercises. This way, your muscles are ready to work and to grow! Below are a few common exercises you can do with or without a resistance band:

    1. Glute Bridges

    2. Fire Hydrants 

    3. Donkey kicks

    4. Bodyweight Squats

    5. Squat Pulses

  3. Switch up your routine

    It is important that you are not doing the same exercise every time that you work your glutes (it also would get super boring!). Here are some lifts that you can put together for your next leg day:

    1. Barbell back squat- This is the basic squat with the barbell resting on the groove between your neck and shoulders. Make sure that you are pushing from your ankles and not the tip of your feet.

      1. A variation of this exercise is box squats. Here, you are doing the same thing except you have a bench behind you, and when you squat down you briefly sit on the bench before lifting your body back up

    2. Bulgarian Split Squats- These babies BURNNN! I always dread these in my workout but I leave the gym feeling so strong and accomplished. You put one foot on the bench behind you so that that leg is at a 90 degree angle. Then you either hold weights in your hands or the bar on your back and lunge down, squeezing your cheeks as you stand up. This is one of the most effective exercises for growing your glutes

    3. Romaninan Deadlifts/RDLs- This is a great exercise to work your hamstrings and glutes. You want to have a slight bend in your knees, and then stick your butt out as far as it can go while bringing the weight to your feet. Form is super important so make sure you have a flat back and that you move slowly while bending down so you really feel it in your hammys. 

    4. Hip Thrusts- This is another amazing exercise to grow your bum and there are many variations. You place the bar or dumbells on your hips and then use your glutes to thrust up so you go into a bridge. Make sure to really squeeze your butt as you are thrusting upwards and that your weight remains in your heels. 

  4. Don’t forget to take rest days!

    Your muscles need time to strengthen and recover in between leg days and you want to prevent yourself from burning out. Also make sure to stretch before and after your workout to prevent injury and soreness. 

While everyone wants to have an ass like Kim K, prioritize working on getting stronger for you, not what society tells you you need to look like. Lifting makes me feel empowered and confident, and I love seeing my hard work pay off through my physical and mental results. Take these tips with you on your next leg day and watch the booty gains come in!