Everything You Need To Know About Essential Oils

Maybe you’ve been Instagram DM’ed by a self-proclaimed #girl-boss working for a multi-level marketing scheme trying to sell you a lifetime supply of oils and supplements, but did you ever look past the cheesy message and learn more about the legitimate benefits of essential oils?

Maybe you’ve been Instagram DM’ed by a self-proclaimed #girl-boss working for a multi-level marketing scheme trying to sell you a lifetime supply of oils and supplements, but did you ever look past the cheesy message and learn more about the legitimate benefits of essential oils? 

For starters, essential oils are natural, often organic, aromatic compounds derived from plant materials. Though the FDA classifies essential oils as food supplements rather than drugs, they do carry healing benefits and can be used in conjunction of traditional pharmaceuticals. 

The most popular way to utilize essential oils is to diffuse them in an indoor space. This is an easy and relaxing way to soak up the benefits of essential oils without direct contact with the skin or fabric surfaces. The diffusing of oils can boost your mood, ease aching joints, help clear airways for easier breathing, encourage better sleep, and improve circulation in addition to many other benefits for both the body and mind. 

Each essential oil has its own unique set of benefits and can be used when you are feeling under the weather. Lavender oil is best suited for aiding in the relief of stress, fatigue, depression and anxiety while peppermint oil is most helpful for reducing cough and throat irritation as well as sinus-related issues. One of the more relevant oils for treating upper respiratory infections is eucalyptus oil as it reduces fevers and fights viruses. 

Unlike traditional medicine, the risks and side effects of using oils to combat adverse symptoms are relatively low; however, be sure to buy quality oils that are pure derivatives of the plant extract. All essential oils should be packaged in glass bottles as oils stored in plastic bottles are at an increased risk of contamination and do not last as long. 

With more and more positive research results modern medicine is slowly accepting the benefits of essential oils in the medical field and as such, they are increasing in popularity and accessibility. Essential oils can be purchased from a variety of retailers. From Amazon to Alo, and even private shopping sites such as Young Living. Prices vary, but quality is key when investing in your health. 

Though essential oils definitely have some strong benefits, they shouldn’t always be used as a replacement for Western medicine. They may be a good place to start at the beginning of the common cold or to cheer you up during waves of seasonal depression, but make sure you always take the recommendations of your doctor and find ways to supplement their advice with some natural healing.

What’s your favorite essential oil? Let us know by tagging @theedgemag on Instagram!