6 Free Opportunities to Improve Your Photography During Quarantine

After months of being quarantined inside, it’s time to finally venture outside and find beautiful and quiet locations to take photographs. Nonstop there have been TikTok trends for easy, at home photography shoots. If you’re going a little stir crazy at home, however, then The Edge encourages you to go out into the countryside and have some fun (away from other people, of course). Even if you’re not a professional photographer, this can be a great activity to unleash your creativity and experience a change of scenery.


Since it’s hard to go to extreme locations and meet up with a lot of people for a photoshoot, this is the perfect opportunity to think outside the box and get creative with what you have. Try spending more time evolving your composition or playing with lighting. If you want to prepare a little more for your shoot, many companies and influencers are helping photographers keep up with their skills by making some of their more pricey courses free. Here are some courses to look into:

  1. Nikon School Online

  2. Professional Photographers of America 

  3. Stay Home with Leica

If you need a boost to get out there and take photographs, many companies have created challenges to keep the interest high. Some of these challenges even allow you to submit your work for a prize or to later be shared and rated online. This is a great way to practice and keep up the creativity. 

  1. GoPro Home Challenge 

  2. Sigma Shot at Home Contest 

The Edge also recommends checking out Peter McKinnon on YouTube for ‘How-To’ tutorials, behind-the-scenes videos of how he creates some of his greatest shorts, and some interesting vlogs.

Share your photographic masterpieces with The Edge by tagging @theedgemag on Instagram for a feature!