Coachella 2020 Fashion Predictions

With Coachella just over a month away, influencers, models, and music lovers alike are gearing up for the biggest weekends of spring. With an incredible lineup, as per usual, people will be attending the insanely expensive festival to take some dope pictures in incredibly expensive outfits. Don’t mind the performers, as long as they have the matching “artist passes” to complete their look. 

Here is what may possibly be flooding your Instagram feed in just a few weeks’ time.

Short Hair

Coachella usually conjures images of long, wavy locks brought to us by the queen herself, Vanessa Hudgens circa 2016 and onward.  But this year, we might see some shorter, edgier looks. Long hair was all the rage this past year, but recently, a lot of people have been chopping it off. Plus, shorter hair makes surviving the desert heat a little bit easier.

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Very Assertive Combat Boots 

You know the ones I’m talking about… those mid-calf combat boots that have literal pouches on them for who knows what. It’ll be an extra search going through security, but these have been everywhere recently. Doc Marten’s were really great last year. But, the world might be moving onto bigger and better boots.

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Jewelry (A lot of it)

Not just any jewelry—heavy jewelry. A lot of photoshoots this year have played with heavy jewelry looks to focus on accenting the face. Everyone knows the greatest way to make an outfit pop is accessorizing with necklaces and earrings, so why wouldn’t Coachella-goers just go even further?

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Western Wear

Duh. This has been on-trend for quite some time now and does not seem to be going away. We can most likely expect some very intense cowboy moments, including wide-brim hats, fringe, belts, and the boots of. course… all with an added edge because the Coachella style seems to be (slowly)  transitioning from hippie to grungy. I also wouldn’t be surprised to see this trend paired with menswear, because why not pile it all into one look?

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 This season has been all about cardigans, so why not bring those cardigans to the desert, especially when temperatures drop as the sun goes down. These really are the greatest pieces to wear, as they continue to run with the vintage 90s/2000s trend. They’re cute but also a little revealing and super easy to throw on. Whether they’re mesh or ribbed, bring on the cardis. 

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That’s it on the predictions for this year! Agree with us or have some predictions of your own? Tag us @theedgemag to be featured.

Marielle Wanner