Food Combining

Food combining has recently become all the talk of the health and fitness world. So what is food combining? How does one food combine? Does it work?

Food combining is a way of consuming food that is said to optimize digestion. Certain foods are digested faster than others, such as fruit, so while food combining you always eat fruit first. Certain food should never be paired together when food combining, such as proteins and starches, but other foods pair together very well such as starches and veggies. Food combining is said to reduce bloating, aid weight loss and digestive issues and improve skin. 

Food combining is a lifestyle, not a diet. People who food combine practice this day after day. 

Here’s the breakdown:

Fruit first, on an empty stomach

Starches do mix with veggies

Proteins do not mix with starches

Different starches do mix

Fats do mix with starches

Proteins do mix with veggies

Different proteins do not mix

Fats do not mix well with proteins, pair moderately

In food combining, there are also certain foods that are considered “neutral,” which means you can eat them at any time of the day and it will not affect digestion. These foods include:



Leafy greens





Does food combine actually work? Well, food combining does put an emphasis on eating whole foods, and it may promote weight loss or help with digestion if someone does struggle with digestion and bloating. But on the other hand, there is no scientific evidence to prove food combining works, and it's not always a sustainable way of living. Food combining can seem tricky at first but once you know the 8 main rules it becomes easier. If you are someone that struggles with getting bloated every time you eat then maybe give food combining a shot! I am not saying that this lifestyle will be the magic cure or make you look a certain way, but it can lead you to live a healthier lifestyle. In the end, food combining depends on like everything else, what you choose to consume, living a balanced healthy lifestyle with always be the best way to consume foods. 

For more information check out: And

And do some research yourself before you decide on any lifestyle changes!