Don’t Know What to do With Your Life? You’re Not the Only One!

There are always the people who come into college knowing exactly what they want to do with their lives. They know their major, have all of their classes picked out and have a seemingly perfect plan for their future. While it’s great to be one of those people, we’re here for you if you’re not.

Your freshman year of college teaches you more lessons than you could ever expect. Not only do you learn how to balance a new roommate, how to find your way around campus and how to live on your own, but you also learn a lot about yourself. Whether or not you realize it now, the first year brings out a lot in a person. It can make some more confident in their career paths, and it can make others question everything they came to school believing. If you find yourself in the midst of a crisis about your major or just generally feel unsure about what you want to do with your life, here are some tips on how to get through it.

Freshman classes are often designed to weed you out.

It’s not the end of the world if you suddenly decide chemistry isn't for you and you would rather be a communications major. It’s better to figure that out now than in ten years, so stop panicking and take classes that make you excited to be in school, even if that means changing your major to do what you love.

Your GPA does not define you.

That perfect report card you always got in high school might not be as obtainable in college, and you know what? It’s going to be okay. Believe it or not, C’s really do get degrees! While you shouldn’t necessarily aim for straight C’s, less than picture-perfect grades don’t mean you're a failure. That B- does not determine your worth.

Pick a major you actually like.

Too many people get wrapped up in a major their parents want them in, or something that will make them money even though they hate it. You’re in college to learn, and that might just include learning something about yourself in the meantime. If you discover you love something but deny yourself out of fear of the future then you could end up seriously regretting it one day. Do what you want to do and take the classes that you enjoy!

It’s okay to not have it all figured out.

Let’s be honest, that person with the perfect life plan may not end up sticking with it. Things change, people change and what you want now may not be the same in the future. Not knowing what you want to do with your life is perfectly fine. You have plenty of time, so don't let people tell you otherwise. We are in college to figure it out, not to be perfect from the start.

It’s all going to be okay. This is the time to figure it out. You will never regret doing what makes you happy. Your future job should be a good fit for you and this is the time to experiment and figure out what that will be!

LifestyleAli Goodman